Hey Iceberg Nation,

Here are the minutes from yesterday's meeting. Let's deprecate some


Transcription/Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAQVGd5zV4I

* Highlights
    * Spark: [Added locality executor cache for delete files](
https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/9563) (Thanks, Anton!)
    * Docs: Moved to new docs build (Thanks, Bits!)
    * REST: Added more documentation on sharing credentials (Thanks, Dan!)
    * Spark: Added support for delete manifest rewrites (Thanks, Anton!)
    * Spark: Fixed aggregate pushdown for nested fields (Thanks, Amogh!)
* Releases
    * Iceberg 1.5.0
    * PyIceberg 0.6.0
    * iceberg-rust 0.2.0
* Discussion
    * Iceberg Summit
    * 30 second update: [Nanoseconds feature](
https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/8657) will be active again soon
    * Draft for [Materialized View Spec](
    * Supported catalogs
        * Catalog confusion
        * JDBC/Sql upgrades
        * Hive table locking in PyIceberg
    * Flink table maintenance - planning to start working on this feature,
any input is welcome
        * Quick compaction for small files and manifest files
        * Periodic orphan file removal
        * Periodic snapshot expiration
    * Pagination and table planning API support in REST spec
        * [
need consensus of pageToken empty value
        * [
need consensus around serializing partition tuple values (more details in [

    * Discuss supporting policy decisions in REST spec
    * [Issue-9597](https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/9597): spec
change. Add a new `task-type` field to the file scan task JSON

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