AFAIK, the main purpose of having `run-application` was to make sure the user is aware that application mode is used, which executes the main method of the user program in JM rather than in client. This was important at the time application mode was first introduced, but maybe not that important anymore, given that per-job mode is deprecated and likely removed in 2.0. Therefore, +1 for the proposal.
Best, Xintong On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 11:35 PM Ferenc Csaky <> wrote: > Hello devs, > > I saw quite some examples when customers were confused about run, and run- > application in the Flink CLI and I was wondering about the necessity of > deploying > Application Mode (AM) jobs with a different command, than Session and > Per-Job mode jobs. > > I can see a point that YarnDeploymentTarget [1] and > KubernetesDeploymentTarget > [2] are part of their own maven modules and not known in flink-clients, > so the > deployment mode validations are happening during cluster deployment in > their specific > ClusterDescriptor implementation [3]. Although these are implementation > details that > IMO should not define user-facing APIs. > > The command line setup is the same for both run and run-application, so > I think there > is a quite simple way to achieve a unified flink run experience, but I > might missed > something so I would appreciate any inputs on this topic. > > Based on my assumptions I think it would be possible to deprecate the run- > application in Flink 1.20 and remove it completely in Flink 2.0. I > already put together a > PoC [4], and I was able to deploy AM jobs like this: > > flink run --target kubernetes-application ... > > If others also agree with this, I would be happy to open a FLIP. WDYT? > > Thanks, > Ferenc > > [1] > > [2] > > [3] > > [4] >