> From: Ravi Kerur [mailto:rke...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 11:21 PM
> To: Mcnamara, John <john.mcnam...@intel.com>
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Ananyev, Konstantin <konstantin.anan...@intel.com>; 
>     Richardson, Bruce <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [v4 0/3] Merge l3fwd-acl and l3fwd
> Should I work with documentation team to update the document? If yes, 
> please let me know the contact information.

Hi Ravi,

There isn't any documentation team. Unfortunately. :-)

The raw documentation is in text format and is generally updated by
the developer submitting a patch.

There is already docs for l3fwd and l3fwd_acl so all that is required
is to merge them. However, you will need to take some care to remove
the duplicate sections and to make sure that the merged doc makes
sense as a whole.

See the documentation guidelines:


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