On 6/3/16, 1:52 PM, "Arnon Warshavsky" <arnon at qwilt.com<mailto:arnon at 
qwilt.com>> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Neil Horman <nhorman at 
tuxdriver.com<mailto:nhorman at tuxdriver.com>> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 06:29:13PM +0000, Wiles, Keith wrote:
> On 6/3/16, 12:44 PM, "Neil Horman" <nhorman at tuxdriver.com<mailto:nhorman 
> at tuxdriver.com>> wrote:
> >On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 04:04:14PM +0000, Wiles, Keith wrote:
> >> Sorry, I deleted all of the text as it was getting a bit long.
> >>
> >> Here are my thoughts as of now, which is a combination of many suggestions 
> >> I read from everyone?s emails. I hope this is not too hard to understand.
> >>
> >> - Break out the current command line options out of the DPDK common code 
> >> and move into a new lib.
> >>   - At this point I was thinking of keeping the rte_eal_init(args, argv) 
> >> API and just have it pass the args/argv to the new lib to create the data 
> >> storage.
> >>      - Maybe move the rte_eal_init() API to the new lib or keep it in the 
> >> common eal code. Do not want to go hog wild.
> >>   - The rte_eal_init(args, argv) would then call to the new API 
> >> rte_eal_initialize(void), which in turn queries the data storage. (still 
> >> thinking here)
> >These three items seem to be the exact opposite of my suggestion.  The point 
> >of
> >this change was to segregate the parsing of configuration away from the
> >initalization dpdk using that configurtion.  By keeping rte_eal_init in such 
> >a
> >way that the command line is directly passed into it, you've not changed that
> >implicit binding to command line options.
> Neil,
> You maybe reading the above wrong or I wrote it wrong, which is a high 
> possibility. I want to move the command line parsing out of DPDK an into a 
> library, but I still believe I need to provide some backward compatibility 
> for ABI and to reduce the learning curve. The current applications can still 
> call the rte_eal_init(), which then calls the new lib parser for dpdk command 
> line options and then calls rte_eal_initialize() or move to the new API 
> rte_eal_initialize() preceded by a new library call to parse the old command 
> line args. At some point we can deprecate the rte_eal_init() if we think it 
> is reasonable.
> >
> >I can understand if you want to keep rte_eal_init as is for ABI purposes, but
> >then you should create an rte_eal_init2(foo), where foo is some handle to in
> >memory parsed configuration, so that applications can preform that 
> >separation.
> I think you describe what I had planned here. The rte_eal_initialize() 
> routine is the new rte_eal_init2() API and the rte_eal_init() was only for 
> backward compatibility was my thinking. I figured the argument to 
> rte_eal_initialize() would be something to be decided, but it will mostly 
> likely be some type of pointer to the storage.
> I hope that clears that up, but let me know.
yes, that clarifies your thinking, and I agree with it.  Thank you!

> ++Keith
> >
> >Neil
> >
> >>   - The example apps args needs to be passed to the examples as is for 
> >> now, then we can convert them one at a time if needed.
> >>
> >> - I would like to keep the storage of the data separate from the file 
> >> parser as they can use the ?set? routines to build the data storage up.
> >>   - Keeping them split allows for new parsers to be created, while keeping 
> >> the data storage from changing.
> >> - The rte_cfg code could be modified to use the new configuration if 
> >> someone wants to take on that task ?
> >>
> >> - Next is the data storage and how we can access the data in a clean 
> >> simple way.
> >> - I want to have some simple level of hierarchy in the data.
> >>   - Having a string containing at least two levels ?primary:secondary?.
> >>      - Primary string is something like ?EAL? or ?Pktgen? or ?testpmd? to 
> >> divide the data storage into logical major groups.
> >>         - The primary allows us to have groups and then we can have common 
> >> secondary strings in different groups if needed.
> >>      - Secondary string can be whatever the developer of that group would 
> >> like e.g. simple ?EAL:foobar?, two levels ?testpmd:foo.bar?
> >>
> >>   - The secondary string is treated as a single string if it has a 
> >> hierarchy or not, but referencing a single value in the data storage.
> >>      - Key value pairs (KVP) or a hashmap data store.
> >>         - The key here is the whole string ?EAL:foobar? not just ?foobar? 
> >> secondary string.
> >>            - If we want to have the two split I am ok with that as well 
> >> meaning the API would be:
> >>              rte_map_get(mapObj, ?EAL?, ?foo.bar?);
> >>              rte_map_set(mapObj, ?EAL?, ?foo.bar?, value);
> >>            - Have the primary as a different section in the data store, 
> >> would allow for dumping that section maybe easier, not sure.
> >>               - I am leaning toward
> >>      - Not going to try splitting up the string or parse it as it is up to 
> >> the developer to make it unique in the data store.
> >> - Use a code design to make the strings simple to use without having typos 
> >> be a problem.
> >>    - Not sure what the design is yet, but I do not want to have to concat 
> >> two string or split strings in the code.
> >>
> >> This is as far as I have gotten and got tired of typing ?
> >>
> >> I hope this will satisfy most everyone?s needs for now.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Keith
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >

What about the data types of the values?
I would assume that as a library it can provide the service of typed get/set 
and not leave conversion and validation to the app.

rte_map_get_bytes(...,destBuff , destBuffSize) //e.g byte array of RSS key
This may also allow some basic validity of the configuration file
Another point I forgot about is default values.
We sometimes use a notation where the app also specifies a default value in 
case the configuration did not specify it
  rte_map_get_int(map,section,key , defaultValue )
and specify if this was a mandatory that has no default
  rte_map_get_int_crash_if_missing (map,section,key)



Yes, I too was thinking about access type APIs, but had not come to a full 
conclusion yet. As long as the API for get/put can return any value, we can add 
a layer on top of these primary get/put APIs to do some basic type checking. 
This way the developer can add his/her own type checking APIs or we provide a 
couple basic types for simple values.

Does that make sense?


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