On 06/03/2016 02:50 PM, Neil Horman wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 12:01:30PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 11:29:43AM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 04:08:37PM -0400, Neil Horman wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 07:41:10PM +0000, Wiles, Keith wrote:
>>>>> On 6/2/16, 12:11 PM, "Neil Horman" <nhorman at tuxdriver.com> wrote:
>>>>>> 1) The definition of a config structure that can be passed to 
>>>>>> rte_eal_init,
>>>>>> defining the configuration for that running process
>>>>> Having a configuration structure means we have to have an ABI change to 
>>>>> that structure anytime we add or remove an option. I was thinking a very 
>>>>> simple DB of some kind would be better. Have the code query the DB to 
>>>>> obtain the needed information. The APIs used to query and set the DB 
>>>>> needs to be very easy to use as well.
>>>> Thats a fair point.  A decent starting point is likely a simple struct that
>>>> looks like this:
>>>> struct key_vals {
>>>>    char *key;
>>>>    union {
>>>>            ulong longval;
>>>>            void *ptrval;
>>>>    } value;
>>>> };
>>>> struct config {
>>>>    size_t count;
>>>>    struct key_vals kvp[0];
>>>> };
>>>>> Maybe each option can define its own structure if needed or just a simple 
>>>>> variable type can be used for the basic types (int, string, bool, ?)
>>>> Well, if you have config sections that require mulitiple elements, I'd 
>>>> handle
>>>> that with naming, i.e. if you have a config group that has an int and char
>>>> value, I'd name them "group.intval", and "group.charval", so they are
>>>> independently searchable, but linked from a nomenclature standpoint.
>>>>> Would this work better in the long run, does a fixed structure still make 
>>>>> sense?
>>>> No. I think you're ABI concerns are valid, but the above is likely a good
>>>> starting point to address them.
>>>> Best
>>>> Neil
>>> I'll throw out one implementation idea here that I looked at previously, for
>>> the reason that it was simple enough implement with existing code.
>>> We already have the cfgfile library which works with name/value pairs read 
>>> from
>>> ini files on disk. However, it would be easy enough to add couple of APIs to
>>> that to allow the user to "set" values inside an ini structure as well. With
>>> that done we can then just add a new eal_init api which takes a single
>>> "struct rte_cfgfile *" as parameter. For those apps that want to just use
>>> inifiles for configuration straight, they can then do:
>>> cfg = rte_cfgfile_load("my_cfg_file");
>>> rte_eal_newinit(cfg);
>>> Those who want a different config can instead do:
>>> cfg = rte_cfgfile_new();
>>> rte_cfgfile_add_section(cfg, "dpdk");
>>> foreach_eal_setting_wanted:
>>>     rte_cfgfile_set(cfg, "dpdk", mysetting, myvalue);
>>> rte_eal_newinit(cfg);
>> From chatting to a couple of other DPDK dev's here I suspect I may not have
>> been entirely clear here with this example. What is being shown above is 
>> building
>> up a "config-file" in memory - or rather a config structure which happens to
>> have the idea of sections and values as an ini file has. There is no actual
>> file ever being written to disk, and for those using any non-ini config file
>> structure for their app, the code overhead of using the APIs above should be
>> pretty much the same as building up any other set of key-value pairs in
>> memory to pass to an init function.

/me nods.

This is pretty much exactly what I suggested (only in much less detail) 
last year :) http://dpdk.org/ml/archives/dev/2015-October/024803.html

>> Hope this is a little clearer now.
> I'm fine with the idea of reusing the config file library that currently 
> exists,
> or more to the point, modifying it to be usable as a configuration API, rather
> than a configuration file parser.  My primary interest is in separating the 
> user
> configuration mechanism from the internal library configuration lookup
> mechanism.  What I would really like to be able to see is application 
> developers
> have the flexibiilty to choose their own configuration method and format, and
> programatically build a configuration for the dpdk on a per-instance basis 
> prior
> to calling rte_eal_init
> It seems like this approach satisfies that requirement

/me nods some more.

What the key-value config also can buy us is a direct mapping to cli 
options (which is something Keith has been looking into IIRC), at which 
point I think all the bases are quite nicely covered.

        - Panu -

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