> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 03:08
> To: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.anan...@huawei.com>; Dariusz Sosnowski
> <dsosnow...@nvidia.com>; NBU-Contact-Thomas Monjalon (EXTERNAL)
> <tho...@monjalon.net>; Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org; Bruce Richardson <bruce.richard...@intel.com>
> Subject: Re: [RFC 0/4] ethdev: rework config restore
> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
> On 10/8/2024 6:21 PM, Konstantin Ananyev wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>>>> We have been working on optimizing the latency of calls to
> >>>>>> rte_eth_dev_start(), on ports spawned by mlx5 PMD. Most of the
> >>>>>> work requires changes in the implementation of
> >>>>>> .dev_start() PMD callback, but I also wanted to start a
> >>>>>> discussion regarding configuration restore.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> rte_eth_dev_start() does a few things on top of calling .dev_start()
> callback:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - Before calling it:
> >>>>>>     - eth_dev_mac_restore() - if device supports
> >>>>>> - After calling it:
> >>>>>>     - eth_dev_mac_restore() - if device does not support
> >>>>>>     - restore promiscuous config
> >>>>>>     - restore all multicast config
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> eth_dev_mac_restore() iterates over all known MAC addresses -
> >>>>>> stored in rte_eth_dev_data.mac_addrs array - and calls
> >>>>>> .mac_addr_set() and .mac_addr_add() callbacks to apply these MAC
> addresses.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Promiscuous config restore checks if promiscuous mode is enabled
> >>>>>> or not, and calls .promiscuous_enable() or .promiscuous_disable()
> callback.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> All multicast config restore checks if all multicast mode is
> >>>>>> enabled or not, and calls .allmulticast_enable() or 
> >>>>>> .allmulticast_disable()
> callback.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Callbacks are called directly in all of these cases, to bypass
> >>>>>> the checks for applying the same configuration, which exist in relevant
> APIs.
> >>>>>> Checks are bypassed to force drivers to reapply the configuration.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Let's consider what happens in the following sequence of API calls.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 1. rte_eth_dev_configure()
> >>>>>> 2. rte_eth_tx_queue_setup()
> >>>>>> 3. rte_eth_rx_queue_setup()
> >>>>>> 4. rte_eth_promiscuous_enable()
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
> >>>>>>     - Stores promiscuous state in dev->data->promiscuous 5.
> >>>>>> rte_eth_allmulticast_enable()
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->allmulticast_enable()
> >>>>>>     - Stores allmulticast state in dev->data->allmulticast 6.
> >>>>>> rte_eth_dev_start()
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->dev_start()
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_set() - apply default MAC address
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
> >>>>>>     - Call dev->dev_ops->allmulticast_enable()
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Even though all configuration is available in dev->data after
> >>>>>> step 5, library forces reapplying this configuration in step 6.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> In mlx5 PMD case all relevant callbacks require communication
> >>>>>> with the kernel driver, to configure the device (mlx5 PMD must
> >>>>>> create/destroy new kernel flow rules and/or change netdev config).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> mlx5 PMD handles applying all configuration in .dev_start(), so
> >>>>>> the following forced callbacks force additional communication
> >>>>>> with the kernel. The
> >>>>> same configuration is applied multiple times.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> As an optimization, mlx5 PMD could check if a given configuration
> >>>>>> was applied, but this would duplicate the functionality of the
> >>>>>> library (for example rte_eth_promiscuous_enable() does not call
> >>>>>> the driver if
> >>>>>> dev->data->promiscuous is set).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Question: Since all of the configuration is available before
> >>>>>> .dev_start() callback is called, why ethdev library does not
> >>>>>> expect .dev_start() to
> >>>>> take this configuration into account?
> >>>>>> In other words, why library has to reapply the configuration?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I could not find any particular reason why configuration restore
> >>>>>> exists as part of the process (it was in the initial DPDK commit).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My assumption is .dev_stop() cause these values reset in some
> >>>>> devices, so
> >>>>> .dev_start() restores them back.
> >>>>> @Bruce or @Konstantin may remember the history.
> >>>
> >>> Yep, as I remember, at least some Intel PMDs calling hw_reset() ad
> >>> dec_stop() and even dev_start() to make sure that HW is in a clean (known)
> state.
> >>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> But I agree this is device specific behavior, and can be managed
> >>>>> by what device requires.
> >>>
> >>> Probably yes.
> >>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> The patches included in this RFC, propose a mechanism which would
> >>>>>> help with managing which drivers rely on forceful configuration 
> >>>>>> restore.
> >>>>>> Drivers could advertise if forceful configuration restore is
> >>>>>> needed through `RTE_ETH_DEV_*_FORCE_RESTORE` device flag. If this
> >>>>>> flag is set, then the driver in question requires ethdev to
> >>>>>> forcefully restore
> >>>>> configuration.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> OK to use flag for it, but not sure about using 'dev_info->dev_flags'
> >>>>> (RTE_ETH_DEV_*) for this, as this flag is shared with user and
> >>>>> this is all dpdk internal.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What about to have a dedicated flag for it? We can have a
> >>>>> dedicated set of flag values for restore.
> >>>>
> >>>> Agreed. What do you think about the following?
> >>>
> >>> Instead of exposing that, can we probably make it transparent to the
> >>> user and probably ethdev layer too?
> >>>
> >>
> >> +1 to make it transparent to user, but not sure if we can make it
> >> transparent to ethdev layer.
> >
> > Just to be clear:
> > Let say, using example from above:
> >
> >  rte_eth_dev_start()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->dev_start()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_set() - apply default MAC address
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->allmulticast_enable()
> >
> > We probably can introduce ethdev internal function (still visible to
> > PMDs) that would do last 3 steps:
> > ethdev_replay_user_conf(...)
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_set() - apply default MAC address
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->allmulticast_enable()
> >
> > And let PMD itself to decide does it needs to call it at dev_start() or not.
> > So it will become:
> > rte_eth_dev_start()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->dev_start()
> >       -Call ethdev_replay_user_conf(.)
> >               - Call dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_set() - apply default MAC 
> > address
> >               - Call dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
> >               -Call dev->dev_ops->allmulticast_enable()
> >
> > For PMDs that do need to restore user provided config And
> > rte_eth_dev_start()
> >      - Call dev->dev_ops->dev_start()
> >
> > For those who do not.
> >
> OK, got it what you mean.
> Pushing restore functionality to PMDs works, but this may be doing redundant
> work on each PMD.
> Instead Dariusz suggests PMD to provide a flag to ehtdev to what to restore 
> and
> common code in ethdev does the work.
> My below dedicated data struct comment is to have this flag in a new struct,
> overall like following:
> rte_eth_dev_start()
>    - Call dev->dev_ops->dev_start()
>    - Call dev->dev_ops->get_restore_flags(ethdev, RTE_ETH_START, &flags)
>    - if (flags & MAC) dev->dev_ops->mac_addr_set()
>    - if (flags & PROMISC) dev->dev_ops->promiscuous_enable()
>    - ...

Could you please explain what is the benefit of exposing flags through dev_ops 
callback vs a dedicated flags field in rte_eth_dev_data?
In both solutions:
- config restore is transparent to the user,
- drivers can omit config restore (either by not implementing the callback or 
not providing the flags),
- an ABI change is introduced (not a huge concern, at least for 24.11).

I understand that my initial proposal with "internal_flags" was too vague,
but renaming and splitting this field into:

- dev_start_restore_flags
- dev_reset_restore_flags
- and so on...

seems sufficient, at least in my opinion.

> So PMDs only will provide what to restore with an internal API and common
> ethdev layer will restore it.
> If no restore required PMD may not implement .get_restore_flags() at all.
> Additionally, RTE_ETH_START, RTE_ETH_RESET etc flag can be provided to 
> internal
> API to get what to restore in different states...
> >> Suggested 'internal_flag' in "struct rte_eth_dev_data" can be
> >> confusing and open to interpretation what to use it for and by time
> >> become source of defect.
> >
> > Yes, same thoughts.
> >
> >> Instead what do you think to have a separate, dedicated data struct for it?
> >
> > Hmm... not sure I understood you here...
> >
> >>
> >>> Might be we can move this restoration code into the new ethdev
> >>> helper function,(ethdevd_user_config_restore()  or so) that PMD can invoke
> during its dev_start() if needed?
> >>>
> >>>>
> RTE_BIT32(2)
> >>>>
> >>>> struct rte_eth_dev_data {
> >>>>    /* snip */
> >>>>
> >>>>    uint32_t dev_flags;
> >>>>
> >>>>    /**
> >>>>     * Internal device capabilities, used only by ethdev library.
> >>>>     * Certain functionalities provided by the library might 
> >>>> enabled/disabled,
> >>>>     * based on driver exposing certain capabilities.
> >>>>     */
> >>>>    uint32_t internal_flags;
> >>>>
> >>>>    /* snip */
> >>>> };
> >>>>
> >>>>> Also perhaps we have go into details what needs to be restored
> >>>>> after 'stop' and what needs to be restored after 'reset' and use similar
> mechanism etc...
> >>>>
> >>>> I think we should look into that.
> >>>> Any 'codification' of semantics between drivers and ethdev library is 
> >>>> good in
> my opinion.
> >>>>
> >>>> At least right now, ethdev does not change any configuration in 'stop' 
> >>>> and
> 'reset' from what I see.
> >>>> But that's on library side only.
> >>>>
> >>>>>> This way, if we would conclude that it makes sense for
> >>>>>> .dev_start() to handle all starting configuration aspects, we
> >>>>>> could track which drivers still rely
> >>>>> on configuration restore.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Dariusz Sosnowski (4):
> >>>>>>   ethdev: rework config restore
> >>>>>>   ethdev: omit promiscuous config restore if not required
> >>>>>>   ethdev: omit all multicast config restore if not required
> >>>>>>   ethdev: omit MAC address restore if not required
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.c | 39
> >>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
> >>>>>>  lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>  2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> 2.39.5
> >>>>>>
> >>>
> >

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