Hi Anoob,

Thank you.

I have modified the commit message and headline accordingly and sent v2.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anoob Joseph <ano...@marvell.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 3:13 PM
To: Shetty, Praveen <praveen.she...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org; Doherty, Declan 
<declan.dohe...@intel.com>; akhil.go...@nxp.com
Cc: Iremonger, Bernard <bernard.iremon...@intel.com>; Ananyev, Konstantin 
Subject: RE: [EXT] [PATCH v1] examples/ipsec-secgw: resolve coverity issue

Hi Praveen,

Please see inline.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Praveen Shetty <praveen.she...@intel.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 2:33 PM
> To: dev@dpdk.org; declan.dohe...@intel.com; akhil.go...@nxp.com; Anoob 
> Joseph <ano...@marvell.com>
> Cc: bernard.iremon...@intel.com; konstantin.anan...@intel.com; 
> praveen.she...@intel.com
> Subject: [EXT] [PATCH v1] examples/ipsec-secgw: resolve coverity issue

[Anoob] I believe Thomas insists on explaining the issue that you are trying to 
fix rather than stating "resolve coverity issue" (which is too generic). So I 
guess you can remove all such references to coverity and retain rest of your 
> External Email
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Function create_ipsec_esp_flow returns a negative number in case of 
> any failure. But passing negative number to strerror is causing the coverity 
> issue.
> In case of failure, displaying exact error message to console is 
> handled in create_ipsec_esp_flow function.So it is not required to 
> print the error message again using strerror.
> This patch will remove the unnecessary calling of strerror function to 
> fix the coverity issue.
> Coverity issue: 357691
> Fixes: 6738c0a95695 ("examples/ipsec-secgw: support flow director")
> Cc: praveen.she...@intel.com
> Signed-off-by: Praveen Shetty <praveen.she...@intel.com>
> ---
>  examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c | 3 +--
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c b/examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c 
> index
> e3a1a5aff..632482176 100644
> --- a/examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c
> +++ b/examples/ipsec-secgw/sa.c
> @@ -1223,8 +1223,7 @@ sa_add_rules(struct sa_ctx *sa_ctx, const struct 
> ipsec_sa entries[],
>                       rc = create_ipsec_esp_flow(sa);
>                       if (rc != 0)
>                               RTE_LOG(ERR, IPSEC_ESP,
> -                                     "create_ipsec_esp_flow() failed %s\n",
> -                                     strerror(rc));
> +                                     "create_ipsec_esp_flow() failed\n");
>               }
>               print_one_sa_rule(sa, inbound);
>       }
> --
> 2.17.1

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