On 2019/5/2 16:04, Varghese, Vipin wrote:
Hi Suanming,

  /* true if x is a power of 2 */
  #define POWEROF2(x) ((((x)-1) & (x)) == 0) @@ -413,6 +416,18 @@ struct
Can we use ` RTE_IS_POWER_OF_2(n) ' instead of ` POWEROF2`?

I'm sorry, but that line is not add by this patch this time.

Maybe another commit is more suitable to fix the previous code.

parse_val {  }

  static void
+monitor_primary(void *arg __rte_unused) {
+       if (quit_signal)
+               return;
+       if (rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL))
+               rte_eal_alarm_set(MONITOR_INTERVAL, monitor_primary,
+       else
+               quit_signal = 1;
This is suggestion, why not omit else part with

if (rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL)) {
        rte_eal_alarm_set(MONITOR_INTERVAL, monitor_primary,NULL);
Thanks for the suggestion. It's OK for me. If there's one more vote, I will do it.


As suggested in v4 can you update the `pdump.rst` on the new behaviour?

As noted in the cover letter in v5. The `exit with primary` configuration should be made as default or not is still not confirmed from the maintainer.

Since `exit with primary` is now removed in the patch and made as default per Anatoly's suggestion and not get more information from the maintainer, the update of the doc is also got hung up.

Vipin Varghese

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