That would be great!
Some suggestion about the rules:

> d. license header check
For now, we use skywalking-eyes to check license header, is this rule still 

> adjust the order of import to "static, org.apache.doris, third party, java"
Better not using static import


此致!Best Regards
陈明雨 Mingyu Chen


在 2022-04-28 17:14:34,"morrysnow" <> 写道:
>Hi, devs,
>I split adding java check style into 5 steps. I’m willing to get feedback 
>about it.
>CheckStyle and Spotless will modify about 10k lines.
>Step 1:
>1. Add Spotless plugin and do some simple format(1198 files changed, 3205 
>insertions(+), 4350 deletions(-))
>       a. end with new line
>       b. trim trailing whitespace
>       c. replace tab indent with 4 spaces indent
>       d. license header check
>       e. adjust the order of import to "static, org.apache.doris, third 
> party, java"
>       f. remove unused imports
>       g. make sure all files are encoding by utf-8
>       h. make sure all files line ending by LF
>2. Add checkstyle rules but set default severity to warning to avoid compile 
>3. set some rules' severity to error in Checkstyle since no lines in doris 
>break these rules(0 files, 0 lines)
>       a. Merge conflicts unresolved
>       b. Avoid using corresponding octal or Unicode escape
>       c. Avoid Escaped Unicode Characters
>       d. No Line Wrap
>       e. Package Name
>       f. Type Name
>       g. Annotation Location
>       h. Interface Type Parameter 
>       i. CatchParameterName
>       j. Pattern Variable Name
>       k. Record Component Name
>       l. Record Type Parameter Name
>       m. Method Type Parameter Name
>4. Set below rules severity to error in Checkstyle since these had done by 
>splotless(12 files, 177 lines)
>       a. Redundant Import
>       b. Custom Import Order
>       c. Unused Imports
>       d. Avoid Star Import
>       e. tab character in file
>       f. Newline At End Of File
>       g. Trailing whitespace found
>Step 2: (241 files, 962 lines (with Step 1))
>1. Set below rules' severity to error in Checkstyle, all rules are import to 
>make sure the code is correct
>       a. Need Braces
>       b. Equals Hash Code
>       c. Missing Switch Default
>       d. Fall Through
>       e. No Finalizer
>2. Set below rules' severity to error in Checkstyle, all rules are about name
>       a. Member Name
>       b. Constant Name
>       c. Parameter Name
>       d. LambdaParameterName
>       e. Local Variable Name
>       f. Class Type Parameter Name
>       g. Static Variable Name
>       h. Method Name
>       j. Abbreviation As Word In Name
>Step 3: (605 files, 6008 lines (with Step 1 and Step 2))
>1. Set below rules' severity to error in Checkstyle, all rules are about 
>       a. Empty Block
>       b. Left Curly
>       c. Right Curly
>       d. White space Around
>       e. Generic Whitespace
>       f. Indentation
>       g. No Whitespace Before Case Default Colon
>       h. Method Param Pad
>       i. Whitespace
>       j. Paren Pad
>       k. Extra newline
>       l. Extra newline at end of block
>       m. Empty Statement
>       n. Empty Catch Block
>       o. Comments Indentation
>2. Set below rules' severity to error in Checkstyle, all rules are about the 
>position of the newline
>       a. Line Length 120
>       b. Operator Wrap
>       c. One Statement Per Line
>       d. Multiple Variable Declarations
>Step 4: (674 files, 6730 lines (with Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3))
>1. Set below rules' severity to error in Checkstyle
>       a. Array Type Style
>       b. Upper Ell
>       c. Modifier Order
>       d. Empty Line Separator
>       e. Separator Wrap
>       f. Overload Methods Declaration Order
>       g. Variable Declaration Usage Distance
>       i. One Top Level Class
>Step 5:
>1. Add java doc check to CheckStyle and set severity to warning.
>2. Fix java doc warning gradually
>> 2022年4月28日 00:39,morrysnow <> 写道:
>> Hi, devs
>> I summarized all the rules I wanted to add. I examined the number of lines 
>> of code affected by all the rules and categorized them by importance.
>> The link is here: 
>> <>
>> I would like to be able to submit them in multiple patches. The principle of 
>> patch splitting is as follows. Those with low impact and high importance are 
>> submitted first and sets the severity to Error. The Javadoc commits last and 
>> sets the severity to Warning.
>>> 2022年4月18日 16:09,vin jake <> 写道:
>>> Hi, there is a new PR about format doris.
>>> I think it's time to ensure what checkstyle rules  we should add for fe.
>>> All people who care about format rule can put up your thoughts.
>>> We can add it in the issue:
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 6:52 PM vin jake <> wrote:
>>>> great, I will trim it in my PR.
>>>> checkstyle.xml need more discussion
>>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 5:48 PM morrysnow <> wrote:
>>>>> I agree with u.
>>>>> For the first point, I want to list rules first, and then change
>>>>> checkstyle.xml.
>>>>> For the second point, original change information in git is not lost, we
>>>>> just need to do blame on the version prior to the ‘code style’ commit and
>>>>> some gui tools could list history of one file. Anyway, it is not very
>>>>> convenience.
>>>>>> 2022年4月14日 17:35,Shuo Wang <> 写道:
>>>>>> In general, I believe that we should do some work to make the code clean
>>>>>> and readable.
>>>>>> My concern is:
>>>>>> 1. We should have an agreement on the code style specification in the
>>>>>> community at first.
>>>>>> 2. If the many lines of code change after applying the code style rule,
>>>>> we
>>>>>> would lose the original changelog via `git blame`.
>>>>>> vin jake <> 于2022年4月14日周四 17:12写道:
>>>>>>> I have add it in PR
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 4:37 PM morrysnow <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, devs,
>>>>>>>> Currently, we only have two rules in checkstyle.xml in fe. These are
>>>>> all
>>>>>>>> about import. So, the code style in fe is very casual.
>>>>>>>> I want to add more rules to checkstyle.xml in fe to Improve code
>>>>>>>> readability, and adjust all fe code to satisfy new code style step by
>>>>>>> step.
>>>>>>>> What do you think about it? If this is a good idea. I will research
>>>>> which
>>>>>>>> rules apply to our code and put together a list.
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