On 2020-07-23, Gilles Sadowski wrote: > If I'm not mistaken, the issues@ ML was intended to keep one > posted of and reactive on a human discussion happening on > JIRA. With the advent of JIRA-GitHub integration, the ratio of > auto-generated messages relayed through that channel has > exploded, with literally hundreds of redundant messages per > week (or in a single day, today).
Most of them have been created by humans who open pull requests or comment on them. I agree that it is unfortunate we get each message twice for a github PR that is linked to a JIRA issue and it would be nice if this could be disabled somehow - but that's probably not possible without volunteering to improve the tooling around the github/JIRA bridge. This (the duplicate messages) would not be solved by spillting the MLs - you'd still see each message twice if you subscribe to both lists. > Could we have a ML dedicated to bot-generated messages For things like dependabot I doubt we can really tell PRs opened by a bot from those opened by a human. > Specifically, I propose that > github-iss...@commons.apache.org > be set up for relaying GitHub generated posts (like comments, > PRs merging, and so on) and that > iss...@commons.apache.org > returns to its original purpose (only). Personally I don't care as I'd probably subscribe to the new list as well and route all messages to the same place. If it helps with your workflow then I'm +0. For components that have github PRs enabled a PR not linked to a JIRA issue could be missed by somebody not subscribed to github-issues - which is not a problem as long as anybody who cares for the component is subscribed. Stefan --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org