-0.5 (real close to -1). Automated emails to commits@ is just part of being 
part of the project. Right?


> On Jul 22, 2020, at 7:34 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> -0: We already have issues@ for automated emails. Whether it's automated
> from one place or another does not matter (to me).
> "If I'm not mistaken, the issues@ ML was intended to keep one
> posted of and reactive on a human discussion happening on
> JIRA."
> That's what dev@ is for IMO, humans. I've never seen issues@ used as the
> target of human messages, only as a sink for bots.
> Automated git emails already go to issues@, as do Jira automated email. We
> don't yet yet another list for some other kind of automated message.
> If anything, it might be clearer to rename issues@ to botsink@ or some such.
> Gary
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 6:27 PM Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> The situation with tool generated messages sent to
>>    iss...@commons.apache.org
>> has gotten from bad to worse.
>> It's great that more and more work is reviewed by automated
>> tools and reports sent for every and all kinds of potentially
>> interesting nit of information.
>> It's not great, IMHO, that tools that fit a particular developer's
>> work flow continuously spam all contributors.
>> If I'm not mistaken, the issues@ ML was intended to keep one
>> posted of and reactive on a human discussion happening on
>> JIRA.  With the advent of JIRA-GitHub integration, the ratio of
>> auto-generated messages relayed through that channel has
>> exploded, with literally hundreds of redundant messages per
>> week (or in a single day, today).
>> Could we have a ML dedicated to bot-generated messages
>> (or, if this trend continues, one ML for each type of activity
>> that might, or might not, interest a particular set of people)?
>> Specifically, I propose that
>>    github-iss...@commons.apache.org
>> be set up for relaying GitHub generated posts (like comments,
>> PRs merging, and so on) and that
>>    iss...@commons.apache.org
>> returns to its original purpose (only).
>> Thanks,
>> Gilles
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