On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:42 PM, sarahkm1972 <sarahkm1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +100 to RERO. +1000 to release before we're all dead. It's been a decade
> people. Just cut a release already. You can always cut another one later.
> Stop with the excuses
> Whatever you want to call it - alpha, beta, RC, final, anything. Java 8
> users are left in a lurch. Compiling libraries is not a realistic solution.
> As stated previously by others we would also have to patch and compile
> libraries depending on BCEL and also figure the transitive dependency graph
> for everything we use since we can't use Maven to do that due to BCEL not
> being in Maven. This is a huge huge pain because we're big Scala users and
> rely heavily on the Typesafe ecosystem which is dropping support for Java 7
> in all of its products and already has in Play Framework and Akka as well
> as
> others like its Config library.

You say "stop with the excuses" and then go on to list a whole bunch of
excuses why its too much effort for you to build BCEL and test it. Yes it
would be an effort - but it would be invaluable to have some pre-release
testing and feedback and help to get it our faster.


> --S.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://apache-commons.680414.n4.nabble.com/VOTE-Release-BCEL-6-0-based-on-RC3-tp4667129p4673474.html
> Sent from the Commons - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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