
This is a community of volunteers. If you want to see something happen,
demanding that other people do something is not the way to achieve your
aims. At best your demands will have no impact. At worst, they will
irritate folks that might have otherwise done the very thing you want to
see happen.

If you want to see a BCEL release then the best thing you can do is
pitch in and help. Jira shows 49 open BCEL issues 4 of which are tagged
for 6.0.

Take a look at those 4 issues. What needs to be done to resolve them? Is
a patch required? Is a review required? Would a test case that
demonstrates the issue help (answer "yes!" unless one already exists).

A well described bug with a patch and a test case tends to get committed
very quickly. If you think some of the BCEL bugs are in this state and
being over looked feel free to add a "What else is needed to get this
committed?" question on the bug.

Of the other 45 issues which ones need to be fixed in 6.0? 6.x? 7.0? I'd
me amazed if all of those 45 were valid. Which ones can be closed? If
you need versions created in Jira, ask. If you need more karma to assign
issues to versions, ask. If you aren't sure what criteria should be used
to decide which version to assign issues to, ask. Better still propose
some criteria to start the discussion.

We don't have suppliers and customers at the ASF. We have a community.
Everyone has a part to play.


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