Hi Gilles,

Le 10/09/2014 11:43, Gilles a écrit :
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:49:13 +0300, Silviu Burcea wrote:
>> This is the killer feature for Git, because many of us, the newcomers,
>> like
>> me, will want to experiment a little before submitting a patch. This
>> way, I
>> can create a local branch and I'm free to do whatever I want. The SVN
>> branch is visible on the server, I don't want to publish my crappy code
>> before I feel that the feature or the bugfix has high quality and is
>> readable enough.
> This use case does not convince me at all: when working on a feature,
> you always do it locally (modifying code, preparing unit tests), and
> SVN certainly does not force you to experiment publicly; it's rather
> the project's policy that forbids you to commit crappy code. :-)
> [The advantages of "git" must be somewhere else.]
The advantages are that while doing so you do use git and all its
features (you do local commits, you do diffs between several things you
try at home, you do branches, you do forward your changes between
several clones you may have (typically a laptop and a desktop computer,
or a computer at work and another at home). With SVN, you only have the
workspace, you cannot do local commits. Either your modifications are on
the single workspace you have, or you commit them to the central server.
This means that if you want to test several different approaches with
SVN, you end up doing copies of your workspace, which is a pity since
you do have a version control system.

best regards,

> Regards,
> Gilles
>> Regards,
>> Silviu
>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 9:12 PM, Mark Fortner <phidia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Git branching is faster, computationally cheaper, and requires less disk
>>> space than svn branching.  This link provides more information:
>>> https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSvnComparison.
>>> In git, you have a remote repo, and a local repo.  Typically, people
>>> create
>>> local branches for experiments or new features and then merge and create
>>> pull-requests whenever they have something that they want to share
>>> with the
>>> community.  In svn, whenever you branch, you're branching on the server
>>> first.  Usually, if you're new to a code base, you don't want to do
>>> that if
>>> you're just experimenting.  Ideally, you want to encourage
>>> experimentation
>>> (and attract new developers), so "feature branches" make a lot of
>>> sense in
>>> that context.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark
>>> [...]
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