> [math] from org.apache.commons.math to org.apache.commons.math2.
> [] +1 change the top level package name
> []  0 I don't care
> [] -1 keep the old name
> Vote open for 72 hours (up to Friday May 19th 20h00 UTC)

* keep as many package names as possible (i.e. org.apache.commons.math.*)
* deprecate as few packages (classes) as possible
* introduce new packages as org.apache.commons.mathx.*
  (notice x instead of 2, and only for new, incompatible stuff)

Yes, this would increase the codebase to maintain,
but isn't there more than one way to compute things?

I have no clue whether it'd be tractable, that's just my 2 cents
(java.awt / javax.swing made think of that).

Anyway, I completely agree to prevent any jar hell issue, so
+0 (non-binding) for package renaming to org.apache.commons.math2.*

Cyril Briquet

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