On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Luc Maisonobe <luc.maison...@free.fr> wrote:
> Henri Yandell a écrit :
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 3:53 AM,  <luc.maison...@free.fr> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Considering the ongoing discussion in another thread, the current changes 
>>> that have been done on [math] for the last months belong to the major 
>>> changes with large incompatibilities with previous versions. We have 
>>> already decided that the version number will be 2.0 to acknowledge that. I 
>>> know of at least one big international research project that uses 
>>> commons-math 1.2 and will switch to 2.0 when it will be published. They 
>>> have already faced compatibility problems recently (two days ago).
>>> Should we change the top level package name from org.apache.commons.math to 
>>> org.apache.commons.math2 ?
>> Generate a clirr report when 2.0 is ready and decide then :)
> 183 errors ...
> Well this may seem very large, but there are a few categories that
> contribute a lot to this large number. Some changes are mainly internal
> like exception constructors. Some changes correspond to deprecated APIs
> that were purged. Several related sets of classes were moved together in
> sub-packages. There are also additions to interfaces for which we don't
> expect users to provide their own implementations (the most typical case
> is RealMatrix).
> From the very beginning, we had decided it will be a major release and
> didn't refrain to add incompatible changes, putting them all in one
> release to make sure we have a very clean start version for 2.x. As far
> as I am concerned, the old package name would be fine. However, it seems
> the policy for such changes is now to change these names, and lots of
> good arguments have been presented recently, so I thought we should
> follow the general trend and good advices.
> So let's vote on this proposal: change the top level package name on
> [math] from org.apache.commons.math to org.apache.commons.math2.
> [] +1 change the top level package name
> []  0 I don't care
> [] -1 keep the old name

I've argued against, I've tantrumed, I've grumbled, I've hated the
idea, I've recognized that it is going to piss users off immensely as
they will never see the lost pain.

That said - +1. Change the top level package name and groupId to math2.

I'll be voting for Lang to be lang3. The only sane thing for us to do
until OSGi is the standard is to put the major version number in the
package name. This is not the same as 'math2 1.0'. That's just insane.
So it's Math 2.0 - org.apache.commons.math2.


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