Craig L Russell a écrit :
> Sorry for excerpting.
> On May 19, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Luc Maisonobe wrote:
>> With different packages names, the situation is simpler to handle: you
>> can have both libraries (in any order) in your classpath without
>> problems. You can have both 1.2 even hidden deep inside another jumbo
>> package and 2.0 without your code picking up the old classes when you
>> think it should pick the new ones ... This has happened only a few days
>> ago with commons-math.
> IIUC, this problem is solved by OSGi through its tricky use of class
> loaders. Of course, you can say that OSGi is the very definition of jar
> hell, but at least they are trying.

OSGi is clearly the way to go. Unfortunately, it is not used everywhere
and many applications use either plain old CLASSPATH tuning.


> Craig
> Craig L Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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