nicolas de loof wrote:
A library autor that MAY use cl-0.0 to remove commons-logging from
dependency tree and use SLF4J will anyway have a dependency on cl-over-sfl4j
that solves the ClassNotFoundException
Good point but what if the end-user wanted to use commons-logging proper and not
SLF4J? In other words, can the end-user override the propagation of cl-0.0-EMPTY
and use cl-1.1 instead? Clearly, by declaring cl-1.1 in the project POM, the
end-user can reinstate cl-1.1.
A library that uses slf4j would anyway only declare slf4japi as dependency
and has no reason to force exclusion of commons-logging.
I agree. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that 0.0-EMPTY would be
propagated to the end-user, either accidentally or by incompetence.
Ceki Gülcü
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