I'd would agree with you if the proposal was to deploy a "99" version.

The 0.0 version is safer whatever dependency strategy you choose : 0.0 will
be considered < to any other version by any comparator-based version
strategy. Maven "nearest" strategy (that is not the simple one to debug)
will not be impacted : only "final" user may explicitly add such dependency
to bypass commons-logging.

As a maven developer and a user of the 99-hack I'm +1 to get this
fake-artifact in the SAME repo the other commons-logging artifacts. Mixing
repositories can introduce many more dependencies bugs !

> Forgive me for asking, Ceki, but are you aware of the fact, how
> frequently dependency resolution has changed and possibly will change
> in Maven?
> Sorry, but I am with Dennis in having an ugly guts feeling,
> Jochen

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