Hi Ceki,

Ceki Gulcu wrote at Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009 12:18:

> Dennis Lundberg wrote:
>> Ceki Gulcu wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have created an empty Maven project with groupId "commons-logging",
>>> artifactId "commons-logging" and version 0.0.0-EMPTY. There is very
>>> little content (around 500 bytes) in the whole project. This is to be
>>> expected as the original aim was to produce an empty jar file.
>>> For the actual "source code", see
>>>  https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/sandbox/logging_empty/trunk/
>>> Anyway, as discussed previously, how do we go about publishing this
>>> empty jar on ibiblio (Maven's central repository). Is a vote
>>> warranted, or would that be premature?
>> Hi Ceki
>> I'm not convinced that the approach that you are proposing will work
>> seamlessly for most of our users, i.e. those that really want to have
>> commons-logging in their classpath.
> Seamlessly? The whole idea is for the version 0.0 to be declared
> explicitly in the end-user's project POM. We do not want version 0.0
> to override a later version *seamlessly*. Those who wish to have
> a rel commons-logging on their class path do not have to do anything.
> We are making use of Maven's notion of "nearest definition"
>    # Dependency mediation - this determines what version of a dependency
>    will be used when multiple versions of an artifact are
>    encountered. Currently, Maven 2.0 only supports using the "nearest
>    definition" which means that it will use the version of the closest
>    dependency to your project in the tree of dependencies. You can always
>    guarantee a version by declaring it explicitly in your project's
>    POM. Note that if two dependency versions are at the same depth in the
>    dependency tree, until Maven 2.0.4 it was not defined which one would
>    win, but since Maven 2.0.5 it's the order in the declaration that
>    counts: the first declaration wins.
>    * "nearest definition" means that the version used will be the
>    closest one to your project in the tree of dependencies, eg. if
>    dependencies for A, B, and C are defined as A -> B -> C -> D 2.0 and
>    A -> E -> D 1.0, then D 1.0 will be used when building A because the
>    path from A to D through E is shorter. You could explicitly add a
>    dependency to D 2.0 in A to force the use of D 2.0
> Source:
> The key phrase being:
>    You can always guarantee a version by declaring it explicitly in your
>    project's POM.
> Forgive me for asking, but were you aware of the above. And if you
> were, would you care to explain a scenario in mind which is troubling
> you?

First: The solution is perfect for a normal user i.e. somebody building an
application, not a library/framework. The problem starts when somebody
publishes some artifacts that explicitly depend on cl-0.0.0-EMPTY:

1. Me building A, depending on B and C
2. B depends on cl-0.0.0-EMPTY
3. C depends on cl-1.1.1

According the definition above I get a ClassNotFoundException running A if I
declare my dependencies in sequence B, C. Since both deps use CL and A
inherits it transitively at equal level, the first one wins => boom.

- Jörg

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