Hi Ceki,

Ceki Gulcu wrote at Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009 14:46:

> Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Mario Ivankovits <ma...@ops.co.at>
>> wrote:
>>> Nice would be, as opposite to the <dependencies>, to have a global
>>> <excludes>, no?
>>> That way, problems like this are sorted out once and for all.
>> +1
> Jochen, you do realize that global exclusions would suffer from the same
> problems as you described in the A B C scenario. Here is a slightly
> modified version of your scenario.
> 1. Me building A, depending on B and C
> 2. B excluding commons-logging
> 3. C depends on cl-1.1.1
> You would get a ClassNotFoundException if Maven gave priority to the
> exclusions rule.
Yes, but that priority rule is an assumption here, I'd expect that C will
effectively brings back cl-1.1.1 again ;-)

However, the main point is, that we try to create a hack for a problem, that
is not CL specific. If I look at our company's big depMgmt section, there
are quite some other artifacts that fall into the same category like xerces
(vs. xercesImpl), avalon-framework (vs.
avalon-framework-api/avalon-framework-impl), cglib (vs. cglib-nodep), asm
(shrug, widely used and major versions are incompatible and cannot be used
at the same time), jsf-api (vs. myfaces-api), jsf-impl (vs. myfaces-impl),
xml-apis (vs. xmlParserAPIs), ...

- Jörg

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