James Carman wrote:
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Stephen Colebourne
<scolebou...@btopenworld.com> wrote:
Lets also say that the new project name cannot be numerically based, so no
[lang2] or [lang5] projects, thats way too confusing. But [lang-ng] would be

And, when we want to "reboot" again, we name it [lang-nng]?

STOP everyone, please! Go back and read the original email.

The name of the new project isn't the point of this discussion at all. Right now I don't give a damn about the name.

The point of my proposal was to say that we should be creating new projects in new packages that aim to tackle the same problem-space but in a new way.

That new way is to receive the innovation of a new approach, removing the baggage of the past. But keeping the concept of the original problem space (such as "more implementations of collections"). The new project approach gains the freedom which has constrained everyone for too long.


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