Hi Ralph,

Ralph Goers wrote at Mittwoch, 15. April 2009 03:18:


> Commons Logging's Log method has very few methods - 2 variations for
> each of the 6 log levels and then the "is" methods.
> By contrast, SLF4J supports many more variations of these, primarily
> because it supports Markers (which I will refer to in a moment).  In
> addition, SLF4J supports a message syntax that in many cases
> eliminates the need to wrap all the logging calls with if
> (logger.isXXXEnabled()).
> Next, SLF4J supports the MDC - regardless of whether the
> implementation comes from Log4j or Logback. My applications all rely
> on this.
> The we get to the SLF4J extensions (where I have commit rights).
> XLogger provides some of the APIs that are available in JUL. It uses
> Markers to make it easy to filter them. It also provides an
> MDCStrLookup that allows the MDC to be accessible in any application
> that uses Commons Lang's StrLookup support - which Commons
> Configuration does.
> SLF4J also comes with a few utilities such as a profiler and a
> StopWatch class.
> Does that help?

Yes and no, since it was never the goal of CL to add additional
functionality, but to provide a facade for the lowest common set of
functionality (and originally it was Log4J that prevented the addition of
the trace level ;-).

See, we have some global players as customers and all of them use an own
logging framework that provides explicit support for their operation
management. However, all provide at least a factory for CL.

As long as you are building an application you have simply more freedom to
select an appropriate logging framework, but for small components (as I
consider all components of Apache Commons) you should not force unnecessary
incompatibilities. Especially since log messages from such basic components
might turn out simply to have a too fine granularity
While I am not conforming to the complete article, it has some valid points
to consider.

- Jörg

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