Ralph Goers wrote at Mittwoch, 15. April 2009 09:20:

> On Apr 14, 2009, at 11:40 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
>> Yes and no, since it was never the goal of CL to add additional
>> functionality, but to provide a facade for the lowest common set of
>> functionality (and originally it was Log4J that prevented the
>> addition of
>> the trace level ;-).
>> See, we have some global players as customers and all of them use an
>> own
>> logging framework that provides explicit support for their operation
>> management. However, all provide at least a factory for CL.
> More and more of them are supporting SLF4J. Heck, even Apache projects
> are switching.

Well, some global players tend to have a different idea about adapting new
technology into their core frameworks. I am glad, that we could use at
least Java 5 since last fall ;-)


- Jörg

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