On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 6:11 PM, James Carman
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Well, I am wondering if this really is a "common" need that should go into
>  > the commons project. We already have "math".
>  >  If it doesn't fit in there it might well be better of to get it into labs
>  > IMO - not commons.
>  >
>  I agree with Torsten on this one.  Why doesn't this belong as a part
>  of math (or maybe a submodule if math wants to have one)?

Um...maybe for the same kind of reason that [functor] does not belong
inside [collections] ;)

We don't want to add it to [math] (at least immediately), because it
does not really fit with the current focus of [math] and [math] is
getting large, and will get larger in 2.0.  Nabla also should not
depend on [math] either and could be used by itself.

As I said, i think it is worth a try and in any case, we should be
able to start it in the sandbox.


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