On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Luc Maisonobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have played with an idea for a new project for a few months. Asking for a
> few advices both at the ApacheCon Europe and by direct contact, all
> responses I received were quite positive and suggested me to set up a
> component in sandbox. This message is the first public announcement and is
> intended to collect the opinion of all the commons community about this
> project. In short: can I play in sandbox with this or should I find another
> place for it ? Another possibility would be to put it inside [math], but
> that would be really strange.
>  The project already has a name: Nabla, which is an operator used in
> mathematics and physics for differentiation. It is a simple triangle
> pointing downwards (see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Nabla.html). Lets call
> the component I want to develop [nabla] from now, to match our local habits
> here. There is some code for it, but only developed by myself on my spare
> time with my personal computer and never distributed to anyone. So I can
> consider I developed it under Apache umbrella and put it on sandbox with the
> Apache headers and license. I am already a commons committer and have filed
> an Individual Contributor License Agreement to Apache.
>  [nabla] will be a mathematics/physics library aimed at building the
> symbolic differentiation of any function provided as a bytecode compiled
> function.
>  Here is a typical use case for such a library. For some simulation
> purposes, suppose I use a class with a method computing the consumption of
> performing an action as a function of its start time:
>  public class DifficultComputation {
>   public double f(double t) {
>     // some lengthy equations here
>   }
>  }
>  Now in addition to computing the consumption by itself, I want to be able
> to compute the sensitivity of this consumption to start time changes. This
> would allow me to say: if action is started at t = 10 seconds, then
> consumption will be 1.2 kilograms, and this consumption will increase by 10
> grams for each second I delay the start. The value 10 grams per second of
> delay is computing by differentiating the original equation. There are
> several ways to do that.
>  The first way relies on by mathematical transformations on the equations
> implemented in the function f. It it implies mathematical analysis and new
> development which is very error-prone (computing the differential of a
> function is much more complex than computing the function itself). It is
> only feasible if you know the equations or have the source code of the
> function. This approach may be used with symbolic computation packages like
> Mathematica, Axiom where you develop your equations using these programs,
> and have them generate the implementation for you. However, the produce code
> is only for some languages (typically fortran and C), it is awful and cannot
> be maintained (it is not intended to be), and needs to be integrated with
> the rest of the application which is already a difficult task.
>  The second way is using numerical finite-differences schemes. These
> algorithms basically compute several values by changing the start time by a
> small known amount and looking at the various results. This implies setting
> up the step, which may be difficult if you don't already know the behavior
> of the function (should I use one microsecond or one century here, in fact
> it depends on the problem). This is also either quite computation intensive
> if you use high order schemes with 4, 6 or 8 points or inaccurate if you
> don't use them. It is also impossible to use too close to functions
> boundaries which are often locations were we really want to explore.
>  [nabla] provides a third way to get this result. It analyses the bytecode
> of the function at run time, performs the exact symbolic mathematical
> transforms, and generates a new class implementing the differentiated
> function. There is still a computation cost, but it is the same you would
> get from a manually differentiated code, plus a one time bytecode
> differentiation overhead (but we can also cache results).
>  This approach has the following benefits:
>   - derivation is exact
>   - there are no problem-dependent step size to handle
>   - derivation can be computed even at domains boundaries
>   - there is no special handling of source
>    (no symbolic package with its own language, no source code
>     generation, no integration with the rest of application)
>   - one writes and maintains only the basic equation and get the
>    derivative for free
>   - it is effective even when source code is not available (but there
>    are licensing issues in this case of course, since what I do
>    automatically is really ... derived work)
>  The only drawback I see is that functions calling native code cannot be
> handled. In this case, we have a fallback available with finite-differences
> schemes.
>  The existing implementation is not yet ready for production. A lot of work
> has been done, but there are many missing features. [nabla] can handle
> simple functions from end to end (i.e. up to creating an instance of the
> differentiated class that is fully functional). Making this code available
> in the sandbox would allow to let people look at it, comment on it,
> participate if they are interested and make it go live.
>  What do you think about it ?
>  Luc
I would say go ahead and commit it to the sandbox and lets see if we
can build some community around it.  The idea is interesting and I see
how it could be useful assuming it could be made to work reliably and
byte code <-> original function
differentiated byte code <-> analytical derivative
mapping could be shown to lift with decent numerics and performance
for a decent range of original functions.  That is not obvious to me,
but I have never thought about this kind of thing before.

In any case, I would say go ahead and commit to the sandbox.


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