Hi folks,

an interesting question for the newly founded commons-exec community - the original code from commons-exec comes with a helper class to pump stdout/stderr of the created process into the Commons Logging library thereby introducing a non-optional dependency.

I changed the code to use stdout/stderr per default to make commons-logging an optional dependency but the question remains - should we support logging libraries within commons-exec?

+) doing so makes the library easier to use but harder to maintain
+) if we support commons-logging we might also need JDK logger, log4j and avalon-logger
+) we could completely remove a dependency
+) I refactored the code (locally on my box) so that adding a new logging library is a peace of cake (overwrite one method from a base class)

So I lean towards removing the commons-logging related code completely and provide documentation how to attach the logging library of your choice

Any comments

Siegfried Goeschl

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