Hi folks,
fortunately my personal opinion is shared with parts of the commons
community (well, I'm doing some cherry picking here) so I propose
+) remove any logging support forcing an additional dependency
+) provide documentation how to hook in an arbitrary logging API
On the downside the current implementation silently drops so many
exceptions that I feel a bit uncomfortable about it (or to state it more
clearly I would reject such a code during code review) - so I have no
final conclusion what to do
+) doing nothing is simple and straight forward
+) passing a simple logger facade is a way to go but not terribly
elegant (we call it "edelhack" in German)
+) I'm not repeating all the other arguments here regarding logging
frameworks but state that I have no favorite
Siegfried Goeschl
Luc Maisonobe wrote:
Siegfried Goeschl wrote:
Because using commons-logging is not undisputed and log4j/jdk logging
would reduce the number of dependencies for a user
I agree. Lots of debate have already occured on this subject, and no
consensus reached. This simply shows this is a matter of taste, and
probably even passion. So there is no point in pushing one choice
among the users. I do have a favorite library too, but will neither
say what it is nor try to provide any argument for it.
Removing a dependency is always a good thing for a library that is
intended to be a building bloc for some higher level application.
Torsten Curd wrote:
> And I would argue that a library should be so robust that (at
> least preferably) it does not need any logging at all ...or if there
> is a problem you just debug it.
I also agree. Commons are quite low level components, they should be
as lighweight as possible. They should neither impose some framework
to work nor make any assumption on how they will be used. They should
be robust and simple enough to not need logging *inside* themselves.
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