Summary: Mobile web pages contain two viewports, the layout viewport and
the visual viewport. The layout viewport consists of all the page contents
and is specified by the meta-viewport tag. The visual viewport is the
actual visible portion of the page on the screen excluding on-screen
keyboards, areas outside of a pinch-zoom area or any other on-screen
artifact that does not scale with the dimensions of the page. The purpose
of the Visual Viewport API is to allow web developers to explicitly query
the properties of the visual viewport.

Web developers can use this API in situations where they need to position
web page elements to remain visible on the screen regardless of the visible
portion of the web page. For example, if an image needs to be visible
regardless of the pinch-zoom level of the device, it can be positioned
relative to what’s shown on the screen using methods of the Visual Viewport


Link to standard:

Platform coverage: Available on both Android and Desktop. However, the API
will be useful on desktop after desktop pinch zooming has been implemented.
Without pinch zooming, there is no difference between the visual viewport
and the layout viewport.

Estimated release: In Firefox 63, we will release the API without event
handler attributes behind a pref. The event handlers onresize and onscroll
may be pushed to a later release. The timeline for enabling it by default
has not been decided yet.

Preference behind which this will be implemented:

Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes? Yes

If allowed, does it preserve the current invariants in terms of what
sandboxed iframes can do? Yes

DevTools bug:

Do other browser engines implement this?

Shipped: Chrome 61 (
              Opera 48 (

In development: Safari (

Test suite:

Currently, these tests are expected to fail as the Visual Viewport API has
not been implemented yet.

Bug to enable tests:

Secure contexts: Yes
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