
In bug 1477553 I intend to disable the ability for content to specify display: -moz-box and -moz-inline-box, which will be consistent with what we did for the rest of -moz- prefixed values in bug 1288572.

We have a use counter for this in [1], which is somewhat high. This could however be a bit misleading, since people tend to confuse these values (XUL flexbox) with the equivalent -webkit-prefixed ones (legacy HTML flexbox). This confusion caused enough issues for us that we had to add a hack in the style engine to ignore -moz- prefixed values when the -webkit- prefixed value is specified before-hand [2], see bug 1407701 & friends.

Given we don't / can't collect URLs from pages where the use counter is hit, we can't asses whether the pages where it's hit are using it intentionally or just by adding prefixes. Though my gut feeling is that it's mostly the later...

In any case, given that, for now I plan to just hide them on Nightly and early beta, before doing it for the release channel in a couple releases if everything goes well and there's no reported breakage.

This will all be behind the pref:


Let me know if there's any concern with this, and please file bugs blocking that one if you find broken stuff.


 -- Emilio

[1]: https://georgf.github.io/usecounters/index.html#kind=page&group=DEPRECATED&channel=beta&version=62 [2]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/ad36eff63e208b37bc9441b91b7cea7291d82890/servo/components/style/properties/declaration_block.rs#519
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