On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 4:22 AM, Michael de Boer <mdeb...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> About the desktop perspective: is pinch-to-zoom a completely separate thing 
> from full-page-zoom as can be controlled right now with Ctrl+ and Ctrl- using 
> the
> keyboard?

Yes. The two have different behaviours (as Boris mentioned, one
reflows the page, one does not).

> If that’s the case, I can see synchronization issues between the two features 
> when they’re both in use.

Could you elaborate? As far as I'm aware, other browsers like Chrome
and Safari support both at the same time on desktop.

> My perception is that pinch-to-zoom is really full-page-zoom, but using the 
> pointer coordinates as focal point instead of [0,0] and step-less zooming 
> behaviour, instead of clamping to predefined steps.

Currently, pinch gestures on a trackpad are hooked up to perform
full-page zooming on desktop. This is a temporary measure until pinch
zooming is implemented on desktop. Once pinch zooming is implemented
on desktop, pinch gestures will be hooked up to perform that.

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