On Thu, Dec 15, 2016, at 11:17 AM, Ryan VanderMeulen wrote:
> I like the idea in principle, but in practice, two meetings a week is 
> already not enough to get through regression bugs. Are we going to add 
> more meetings to accommodate this? And I'll note that already, 
> attendance of the regular regression triage meetings has declined from 
> where it was a month or two ago.

I think the most important is to identify whether the crash bugs are
regressions so they can be tracked accordingly. We have a third triage
meeting in Asia friendly timezone; I think we can try to go over the
list of crash bugs and put correct flags in the meeting.


> Also, I thought one of the roles of the Uptime team was to triage crash 
> bugs. Is that not actually the case?
> -Ryan
> On 12/14/2016 9:42 PM, Jet Villegas wrote:
> > +1 on expanding the search. That should help get earlier diagnosis. We
> > should also add 'regression' to those bugs as part of triage, as
> > appropriate.
> >
> > --Jet
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