On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Ryan VanderMeulen <rya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I like the idea in principle, but in practice, two meetings a week is
already not enough to get through regression bugs. Are we going to add more
meetings to accommodate this? And I'll note that already, attendance of the
regular regression triage meetings has declined from where it was a month
or two ago.

That's useful to know; thank you for the data points.

> Also, I thought one of the roles of the Uptime team was to triage crash
bugs. Is that not actually the case?

We have a roster in place so that every Nightly build has its crashes
inspected by someone involved with Uptime:
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/Uptime#Nightly_crash_triage. This is good
for getting bugs filed and needinfo requests made, and for a small amount
of nagging. But Uptime has nothing official/regular in place beyond that.

I imagine that the triage meetings have a different vibe and outcome, due
to them being in-person meetings with multiple people present, including
people specifically focused on particular releases (such as ERBs).

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