
Currently there are two platform regression triage meetings per week during
which bugs marked with the "regression" keyword are triaged. See
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/ for details.

Last week Jim Mathies and I discussed the possibility of expanding the
triage to include bugs marked with the "crash" keyword as well. The reason
being that all bugs filed through crash-stats.m.o get the "crash" keyword
automatically added, but not the "regression" keyword.

Right now, the four Fx53 "regression" searches in the table at
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/#Bug_Lists return 19 + 13 + 41 + 34 = 107
results. If I change them to match "regression" or "crash", I get 44 + 20 +
59 + 37 = 160 results.

The "Crash Bug Triage" section on the wiki page suggests that crashes are
intended to be included by this regression triage. But I'm not sure if the
top crash lists are consulted independently during the meetings, and thus
whether expanding the searches would be helpful.


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