On 8/24/2016 11:31 AM, Jim Blandy wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 4:39 PM, R Kent James <k...@caspia.com
> <mailto:k...@caspia.com>> wrote:
>     Exactly, and I hope that you and others restrain your exuberance a
>     little bit for this reason. A warning would be one thing, but a hard
>     failure that forces developers to drop what they are doing and think
>     hard about an appropriate check is just having you set YOUR priorities
>     for people rather than letting people do what might be much more
>     important work.
> it seems to me that propagating errors correctly is a just fundamental
> part of writing production code. It's more like a coding standards
> issue, not something that's practical to treat as a question of
> personal preference and priorities.

It's clear that my opinion here is a tiny minority, so I'm not really
trying to change this anymore.

But for the record, there are LOTS of issues in Mozilla code that are
missing a "part of writing production code" My own pet peeve is JS code
that gives no hint about the types of inputs, when there are complex
assumptions about the types. Or C++ files that give you no hint about
why they exist, and their fundamental purpose. How would you like it if
I pushed a patch that shutdown all Firefox code development until all of
these documentation issues were cleaned up? That might not be the
highest priority today, right, even though it is a "fundamental part of
writing production code" (as well as my pet peeve and a high priority to

That is the point I am trying to make. But as I said I am a minority, so
not really worth continuing this discussion. So I guess I'll have to
drop what I am doing to review patches to fix this in really old,
unimportant code (like a SeaMonkey to Thunderbird profile migrator).

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