As someone who was high on the list of try server usage for two weeks....
My problem was a test I tried to fix for both e10s and non-e10s, and it
timed out _sometimes_ on _some_ platforms even depending on debug/release
build. It was a whack-a-mole game by fiddling with the test and a complex
patch. I did stop old builds but I did not run only the test in question
but the rest of them as well because of the invasive nature of the patch
the whole thing was sitting on. Probably I could have been smarter, BUT...

What would have helped me a lot in this case and most cases when I rely on
the try server is the ability to push a new changeset on top of my previous
one, and tell the server to use the previous session instead of a full
rebuild (if there is only a change in the tests that's even better, no
rebuild at all) and then tell the server exactly which tests I want to
re-run with those changes (as it can be an empty set this can be used to
trigger additional tests for a previous push). This could all be done by an
extensions to the try syntax like -continue [hash]. As an addition this
follow up push would also kill the previous job.

Maybe there is already such functionality available, just I'm not aware of
it (I would be so happy if this were the case, and would feel bad for the
machine hours I wasted...), if so please let me know.

- Gabor

On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Ryan VanderMeulen <> wrote:

> I'm sure most of you have experienced the pain of long backlogs on Try
> (Windows in particular). While we'd all love to have larger pools of test
> machines (and our Ops people are actively working on improving that!), one
> often-overlooked thing people can do to help with the backlog Right Now is
> to cancel pending jobs on pushes they no longer need (i.e. newer push to
> Try, broken patch, already pushed to inbound, etc).
> Treeherder makes it easy to do this - just hit the little circle with an X
> icon on the right hand side adjacent to the "XX% - Y in progress" text
> along the top bar of the push. You will be prompted whether you really want
> to cancel all jobs on the push. Just hit OK and you're done.
> Killing off unnecessary jobs can have a significant impact on wait times
> and backlog, so your consideration is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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