Running that mach try command with the additional --no-push argument produces this mouthful:
try: -b do -p linux64 -u crashtest,crashtest-e10s,mochitest-1,mochitest-browser-chrome-1,mochitest-e10s-1,mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-1,mochitest-o,reftest,reftest-e10s,xpcshell -t none --try-test-paths browser-chrome:dom chrome:dom crashtest:dom mochitest:dom reftest:dom xpcshell:dom On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Gijs Kruitbosch <> wrote: > On 26/04/2016 14:01, James Graham wrote: >> >> Based on a conversation yesterday, it seems that the features of |mach >> try| are not well known. In particular it allows running only a subset >> of tests in cases that you are doing an experimental push that you >> expect to affect mainly one area of the code. For example: >> >> mach try -b do -p linux64 dom > > > What is the equivalent try syntax and how do I generate it from/in/with > mozreview, which is generally how I push to try these days? > > ~ Gijs > > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list