On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 03:49:11PM +0200, Gabor Krizsanits wrote:
> As someone who was high on the list of try server usage for two
> weeks....  My problem was a test I tried to fix for both e10s and
> non-e10s, and it timed out _sometimes_ on _some_ platforms even
> depending on debug/release build. It was a whack-a-mole game by
> fiddling with the test and a complex patch. I did stop old builds but
> I did not run only the test in question but the rest of them as well
> because of the invasive nature of the patch the whole thing was
> sitting on. Probably I could have been smarter, BUT...
> What would have helped me a lot in this case and most cases when I
> rely on the try server is the ability to push a new changeset on top
> of my previous one, and tell the server to use the previous session
> instead of a full rebuild (if there is only a change in the tests
> that's even better, no rebuild at all) and then tell the server
> exactly which tests I want to re-run with those changes (as it can be
> an empty set this can be used to trigger additional tests for a
> previous push). This could all be done by an extensions to the try
> syntax like -continue [hash]. As an addition this follow up push would
> also kill the previous job.
> Maybe there is already such functionality available, just I'm not
> aware of it (I would be so happy if this were the case, and would feel
> bad for the machine hours I wasted...), if so please let me know.

You can do that more or less with moz-ci. IIRC, the setup is detailed
somewhere on Armen's blog (CCed, he might be able to point you there)

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