On 2/1/16 2:37 PM, Bill McCloskey wrote:

I can imagine it's frustrating if you have one of these devices, but we
have to prioritize how we spend our time. And I don't think it's worth
holding up the whole project for a few percent of users, even if they are
the cool ones :-).

Yep, incremental improvements are good. I don't think this should block an E10S rollout for everyone.

But I did want to point it out, because touch-enabled devices are more and more widespread, and APZ (responsiveness) is particularly important there. And then there's the issue of "I just bought a new (touch-enabled) computer and Firefox seems janky" being awkward when that new computer probably includes Edge or Chrome for the user to compare with and possibly switch to.

So I do think this is something important to fix soon.

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