On 01/02/2016 21:46, Justin Dolske wrote:
On 2/1/16 9:51 AM, Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
Oh, I should also mention that currently many (if not all) Windows
touchscreen devices have e10s disabled by default, because a
touchscreen seems to trigger the accessibility code which disables
e10s. And if e10s is disabled, APZ is disabled, which means no APZ
touch scrolling.
I assume there's a bug(s) on file for making e10s/a11y work right on
touch devices?
Looking at the TOUCH_ENABLED_DEVICE telemetry probe, while touch devices
are a fairly small segment of the overall userbase (~2%, for beta 44),
it's significantly higher on what I'd expect to be modern hardware (7.4%
of Windows 10 users, 6.9% for Win8.1).
Several people including me have been bitten by this, but based on the
last comment on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1166564, it
seems the current plan is "fix a11y to work on e10s so we can enable it
for a11y users, too" (because it is too difficult to distinguish the UIA
touch a11y that win8/win10 use from the other ones, apparently).
I too would hope we will fix a11y+e10s, or at least fix the messaging
about this, before we release.
~ Gijs
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