On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Gijs Kruitbosch <gijskruitbo...@gmail.com>

> Several people including me have been bitten by this, but based on the
> last comment on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1166564, it
> seems the current plan is "fix a11y to work on e10s so we can enable it for
> a11y users, too" (because it is too difficult to distinguish the UIA touch
> a11y that win8/win10 use from the other ones, apparently).
> I too would hope we will fix a11y+e10s, or at least fix the messaging
> about this, before we release.

Fixing a11y+e10s is pretty difficult. It will be many months of work. I
think it makes sense to roll e10s out to most users before a11y support is

We definitely should investigate making special accommodations for users of
touch devices. But even that is fairly difficult. We have to figure out
what subset of the a11y API is actually being used on these devices and
then make sure that that subset works. As far as I know, finding that
subset is only possibly by experimentation, and it has to be done by
someone with a device where the problem reproduces. And finding people to
work on Windows is not easy.

I don't know what we would do about messaging. We're not planning on having
any UI besides about:support where people will know that e10s is enabled.
The hope is that it will be completely transparent.

I can imagine it's frustrating if you have one of these devices, but we
have to prioritize how we spend our time. And I don't think it's worth
holding up the whole project for a few percent of users, even if they are
the cool ones :-).


> ~ Gijs
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