In bug 1180706 I turned on the dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled pref for
Windows desktop builds. This should be in Jan 31 nightly. For devices
that have touchscreens, this has two effects:

1) Touch scrolling now uses APZ. The physics will probably need some
tuning, but if you see correctness issues with scrolling, tapping,
long-tapping, etc., please file a bug and cc me. Pinch zooming is
currently disabled.

2) Web content will be receiving touch events. This may result in
pages responding very differently when using touch to interact with
it. Pages may also do different things on load, because they can
detect the presence of touch interfaces via window.Touch and
window.TouchEvent which wasn't the case before. If you observe
strange/buggy behaviour on touchscreen windows devices that wasn't
there before, try setting dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled to false
(restart required) to confirm it was caused by this change, and please
file a bug and cc me if so.

For the moment this change will remain on Nightly until we are
confident that it doesn't break anything major.

Note also that touch event support has been enabled on Linux for a
while now (not just Nightly) although you need MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 in
the environment for it to work. If you have a Linux touchscreen device
please feel free to try it out there as well and file bugs if you
encounter any problems.

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