> On Jan 14, 2016, at 3:01 PM, Nick Fitzgerald <nfitzger...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Also, what is the plan for making tools like the Memory view appear in a 
> default install? In other words, without having to go to the Settings. I 
> worry that users may not know to click on the Settings and just think that 
> other browsers offer more tools than we do.
> ​This is a good conversation to have, but I don't have any good answers. We 
> have a lot of panels in the devtools, many of which are fairly niche, and it 
> isn't clear how to simultaneously give them visibility and not overwhelm 
> users.
> Console, debugger, performance: these panels are ​a clear "always show" to 
> me. The web audio tool is very niche and so I don't think it would make sense 
> to show it by default. The memory tool falls in between in my mind. I'm open 
> to suggestions!

There are some designs in flight that would make selecting a non-default panel 
much easier by adding an arrow after the last one, which would open a popup 
with all panels available.  So you could avoid a trip to the settings panel.  
I’ve filed a bug 1239859 for this since I couldn’t find another one on file.

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