On 14/01/2016 23:01, Nick Fitzgerald wrote:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Jared Wein <j...@mozilla.com
<mailto:j...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
Also, what is the plan for making tools like the Memory view
appear in a default install? In other words, without having to go
to the Settings. I worry that users may not know to click on the
Settings and just think that other browsers offer more tools than
we do.
This is a good conversation to have, but I don't have any good
answers. We have a lot of panels in the devtools, many of which are
fairly niche, and it isn't clear how to simultaneously give them
visibility and not overwhelm users.
Console, debugger, performance: these panels are a clear "always
show" to me. The web audio tool is very niche and so I don't think it
would make sense to show it by default. The memory tool falls in
between in my mind. I'm open to suggestions!
We could add a [...] or similar button at the end with a dropdown for
the other tools? With some TBD as to whether that enables them
permanently or just for that site and/or how to toggle that.
(pulling in Helen because I think she might have better ideas :-) )
~ Gijs
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