Hi folks!

Dominator trees give you fine-grained insight into memory retention.

In a graph rooted by some node R, a node A is said to dominate B iff every
path to B starting from R passes through A. In the context of a heap graph,
another way to say this would be that A is retaining B: if the garbage
collector found A to be unreachable and eligible for reclaiming, than B
would also be unreachable and eligible for reclaiming.

We also use this to calculate the "true" memory cost of a node in the heap
graph. This is the "retained size" and contrasts with the naive "shallow
size". For example, imagine a large binary tree where there are no outside
references into subtrees, only to the root. The root node itself has a
small shallow size: a left branch pointer, a value, and a right branch
pointer. However, it is retaining the whole rest of this large tree's
structure, and so its retained size is significant.

Here is a screenshot of the dominator tree (combined with allocation stack
tracking) in action to debug the memory overhead of loading large source
files in a CodeMirror editor: http://i.imgur.com/sGsVJb9.png

And here is a reminder of how to enable to memory tool within the devtools:

If you would like to use this tool for the whole runtime rather than scoped
to a single tab, use the browser toolbox. Here are instructions for
enabling and using the browser toolbox:

Please try it out, give me your feedback, and file bugs in the "Firefox"
product and "Developer Tools: Memory" component!

My thanks to the folks who reviewed patches for this feature: Jordan
Santell, Steve Fink, Boris Zbarsky, and Jim Blandy.


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