On Sep 11, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Scott Johnson <sjohn...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> I understand the merit of leaving the code as is since hg blame won't work
>>> nicely with such file-wide format change as in step-1.
>>> (Or maybe we can teach hg blame to ignore such change, etc. but maybe too
>>> much work: the idea would be to mark formatting change with a particular
>>> string [maybe tag name] and let hg blame  to ignore such tag to look for a
>>> previous patch that touched each line. Hmm. Maybe too much work indeed)
> It would be really nice if we could somehow teach hg blame to ignore
> style changes, but I think that's probably a very involved task. ;)

Mercurial is very extensible, the easy way to do this is to simply flag style 
changing commits with metadata and then use that during blame.

-- reuben

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