Thus Spoke ishikawa:
> I wonder if trying to re-indent legacy code according to the current style
> is a good idea or not. (It is a little irritating to modify a part of legacy
> code and find my editor trying to follow the current style while the rest of
> the file is in different style.)
I'd recommend we not do this, as it will likely break hg blame. I've
worked for companies in the past that checked in formatting changes
alongside other, functional changes, and it ended (even in small
codebases) in a lot of chaos - mostly that it was a) difficult to review
those changes and b) difficult to track back which
bugs/tickets/developers changed which sets of code.

If we were going to do this, though, we should have a separate bug for
formatting changes, and check in those changes in separate patches
(maybe even one per file whose formatting is to be changed).


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