(2013/09/10 19:17), ishikawa wrote:

  [ omissions ]
> I am getting the hang of emacs mode line.
> /* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil;
> c-basic-offset: 2 ; js-indent-level : 2 ; js-curly-indent-offset: 0 -*- */
> /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
> seem to do the job.
> I have not tested vim part.
> We can probably omit js-curly-inent-offset here, but
> for now, I am keeping it as a reminder.
> It seems that js mode in Emacs worked with c-basic-offset a couple of years
> ago, but today's js-mode (Javascript mode is an alias)
> needs its own variables, I think.

I have been tinkering with javascript mode line for Emacs.

/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil;
    c-basic-offset: 2 ; js-indent-level : 2  -*- */

With the current Emacs and its preferred javascript mode, the above mode
line seems to work rather well.
js-indent-level setting (set to 2) seems to be the key
for proper indentation.

But there do exist situations where the above mode line is not dictating
specific requirements enough.
(Specifically the placing of period in a long series of
 a.b.c.d.e, and the IDs are actually lengthy and so
 lines are broken as in
 t = a.bbbbbbbbbb
(Or was it
 t = a.bbbbbbbbbb.
       c.d.e ?)

Does anyone have something better than the above simple mode line?


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