On 5/24/2013 10:50 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
* I think we should experiment (again) with real pull-request integration
into bugzilla.
I'm totally in favor of better tools and real pull requests, and of
course the PRs need to be linked to bugzilla /somehow/.

But I want to qualify "integration into bugzilla": I explicitly do not
want a tool that is tightly coupled to bugzilla.  In fact, I want a
tool that has as little to do with bugzilla as feasible.
I wasn't going to reply to this, but the more I think about it the more I'm afraid I have to.

Bugzilla is our tracking tool of record. I'm personally rather bullish about bugzilla improvements, now that the 4.2 upgrade is done and we have solid people working on it and making weekly improvements. But even if that weren't the case, I don't see how we can effectively separate the two functions. I've worked on projects which did that (Breakpad), and what happened was that people stopped using the issue tracker and it got hopelessly out of date. New contributors couldn't figure out the status of issues, and the cc lists for the review system and the bug system were completely separate.

We know we need to integrate the review/PR system with bugzilla enough to preserve security properties and security groups. I'm also convinced that we should keep email notifications controlled by bugzilla cc's; we need to keep the two systems close enough together that the risk of forking bugs and reviews is low.

[1] http://harthur.github.com/fileit/
I don't see how this tool is in any way better than the search box at the top of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?full=1
[2] http://harthur.github.io/bugzilla-todos/
And I don't see what this example has to do with the rest of the discussion. Bugzilla explicitly tries to make it easy to do your own dashboards via both XMLRPC and the REST API, and many people have made their own flavor of awesome dashboards. But that doesn't really affect anything about requirements in the review process, does it?


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