> How about integrating it into BugzillaJS?

I don't think we should require a Firefox add-on to use our bug
tracker effectively.

We're a web company.  We make a web browser.  Let's write a webpage.

If a browser extension is the only way we can provide a good user
experience in our bug tracker and review tool, we have surely failed.

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Mike de Boer <mdeb...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> How about integrating it into BugzillaJS?
> I'm working on it quite a lot now
> (https://github.com/gkoberger/BugzillaJS/pull/77 and
> https://github.com/gkoberger/omnium/pull/3) to make some improvements to
> Bugzilla 'core'.
> I think an add-on that eventually is good enough to use for Mozillians would
> be very beneficial. I think it might even go as far as the add-on being the
> frontend and Bugzilla itself being regarded as the backend/ datastore.
> Regardless, doing Github integration in BugzillaJS should be trivial.
> Mike.
> On May 24, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Justin Lebar <justin.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * I think we should experiment (again) with real pull-request integration
> into bugzilla.
> I'm totally in favor of better tools and real pull requests, and of
> course the PRs need to be linked to bugzilla /somehow/.
> But I want to qualify "integration into bugzilla": I explicitly do not
> want a tool that is tightly coupled to bugzilla.  In fact, I want a
> tool that has as little to do with bugzilla as feasible.
> I mean no disrespect to our bugzilla maintainers, who have an
> impossible and largely thankless job, but bugzilla has so much baggage
> from the '90s, my experience is that it ruins everything it touches.
> Consider for example how much better harthur's fileit and dashboard
> tools [1] [2] are than bugzilla's built-in equivalents.
> We shouldn't conflate owning the PR data with integrating the PR tool
> into bugzilla.  If we do, we risk ending up with yet another crappy
> non-solution to a real problem (see bugzilla interdiff, splinter
> integration, and so on).
> -Justin
> [1] http://harthur.github.com/fileit/
> [2] http://harthur.github.io/bugzilla-todos/
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